This installment of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL’s) Tell Me Something Grid series features Paul Denholm, senior research fellow of model engineering and a grid analyst of nearly 20 years at NREL. Denholm shares how we can count on a reliable grid with more renewable and clean energy. People rely on 24/7… More
Puerto Rico’s economy is starting to rebound. After officially exiting bankruptcy in 2022, Puerto Rico’s economy is on track to grow by 1.8 percent in 2024. One obstacle, however, is the ongoing effort to restructure Puerto Rico’s beleaguered and deeply indebted electricity company, the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA). The company… More
As the demand for energy increases around the world, so too does the need for reliable and cost-effective power sources. Diesel power generators are one such solution – providing efficient, steady, and on-demand energy when the need arises. For more than a century, these workhorses have proven their worth, even as advancements… More